Perspective Shifters
Truth Tellers
Game Changers
Our mission:
Love is our foundation for God is love. Wealth is for all because He says so.
"Wealth quickly gained is quickly wasted
easy come, easy go!
But if you gradually gain wealth, you will watch it grow."
Proverbs 13:11
There are over 140 million properties in the United States, and anywhere between 5-7% of them go delinquent on paying property tax each year. That doesn’t mean that every one of those properties become tax lien or tax deed opportunities… but even if 1% of properties became an opportunity there would be 1.4 million properties available.
You can chooses from residential homes to commercial buildings, vacant land to unique properties. The market encompasses a wide range of real estate opportunities.
Property tax is a source of revenue to your county. Those property tax payments are allocated to the schools, public safety, and other public services. So when owners don't pay their taxes, the county looses revenue.
These municipalities had to find a way to recoup revenue (unpaid property taxes), so in the 1800's they introduced the sale of tax lien certificates.
Some states are tax lien states and others are tax deed states, with some being both.
A tax lien certificate (TLC) is a first position lien on real estate due to delinquent property taxes. When a property owner fails to pay their property tax, the county that the property is in will place a tax lien, or a note of unpaid debts, on their property.
There is currently billions of dollars owed in property tax in America.
It's important to understand that when investing in tax lien certificates, you don't get paid your original investment plus accrued interest UNTIL the property owner pays their delinquent tax bill. In some states that can be 3 years.
You do not receive a monthly or annual check. You get paid when the property owner settles its debt with the county.
Tax deeds are similar to tax liens in that it's a way for counties to recoup income, except when you purchase a tax deed you own the property outright assuming all rights, responsibilities, and liabilities.
Investing in tax deeds is a great strategy for acquiring real estate at low price points.
Once you gain control of the property you're able to do what you want with it. Some options are:
Buy & Sell at Wholesale
Fix it & Flip it
Fix it & Rent it
Lease to Own
Section 8 Housing
Who is best suited for this type of strategy?
This strategy takes time to learn and master, but once you have it down it's a great way to build your portfolio.
We recommend learning this amazing way of investing in real estate for yourself and your family, but we also understand it takes time to learn and master. The most challenging and time consuming part of this strategy is the research. Unfortunately it isn't as straight forward as it sounds.
So what we do here at Re'nita LaRae Financial is partner with you on your journey. We do the research and find the properties for you to invest in while you're learning. If you don't have time to learn or have no interest in learning but have capital sitting around that you would like to invest, we offer it as an investment option to add to your portfolio.
We share in the profit and tax advantages. Win-Win!
If you are considering working with her - do it and hurry! Get her before someone else snatches her up.